Microsoft Word MCQs

25 votes, 3.4 avg

1 / 50

Which enables you to move directly to specific location in a document?

2 / 50

The shortcut of subscript:

3 / 50

Press ____ to open the help window in the MS Word document.

4 / 50

What is the blank space outside the printing area on a page?

5 / 50

A word processor would most likely be used to

6 / 50

Which enables us to send the same letter to different people?

7 / 50

What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character

8 / 50

What are inserted as cross-reference in Word?

9 / 50

Which is not in MS Word?

10 / 50

To open font dialog box, use

11 / 50

The file type _____ indicates the file is a Word document.

12 / 50

In a document what is the maximum number of columns that can be inserted in MS Word Table?

13 / 50

The ___ works with the standard Copy and Paste commands.

14 / 50

____ is not a part of a MS Word document.

15 / 50

What is the maximum number of lines you can set for lines to drop box?

16 / 50

Which of the following software is used for making a resume?

17 / 50

What is gutter margin?

18 / 50

How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum?

19 / 50

Microsoft word is ____ software.

20 / 50

Word, by default, places a tab stop at every _____ mark on the ruler.

21 / 50

What is the shortcut key for “Find and Replace” dialog box?

22 / 50

How many ways you can save a document?

23 / 50

The shortcut of superscript:

24 / 50

Which is not an edition of MS Word?

25 / 50

Formatting is performed on

26 / 50

What is the maximum scale percentage available in Scale drop down box?

27 / 50

The Office Clipboard can hold up to _________ items.

28 / 50

What is the shortcut key to Update Formula in a table?

29 / 50

Which of the following are word processing software?

30 / 50

Which bar shows the current position as far as the text goes?

31 / 50

The name of a word document displays in ____.

32 / 50

Tabs stop position cannot be the following alignment

33 / 50

Format painter option is found under ____________ tab.

34 / 50

You cannot close MS Word application by

35 / 50

Ctrl + N is used to

36 / 50

What is the default file extension for all Word documents?

37 / 50

Which would you choose to save a document with a new name?

38 / 50

To exit from the Resume Wizard and return to the document window without creating a resume, click the ________ button in any panel in the Resume Wizard dialog box.

39 / 50

Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and tools?

40 / 50

Which of the following is an example of page orientation?

41 / 50

Which feature do you use to create a newspaper like document?

42 / 50

The shortcut key to change the font size:

43 / 50

Which file starts with MS Word?

44 / 50

____ cannot be used to work in MS Office.

45 / 50

Select all the text in MS Word document by

46 / 50

What is the shortcut key for Spelling Check in document?


47 / 50

How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point every time?

48 / 50

'Ctrl+E' is used to apply

49 / 50

The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard document is called ________

50 / 50

By default, your document prints with:

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